Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day

I hate blogs, so I'm just going to objectively say what I did putting as little emotion into it as possible, only commentating on worthy remarks.

I left my mom and sister at the airport.

I boarded the plane.

I rode the plane.
Boring as hell.

The plane went through some rough turbulence before landing.
Scary as hell. The guy next to me spilled his coffee and I almost choked on some rice.

The plane landed.

I went through customs pt 1 easily.

I got my bags.

I lost a paperwork for customs pt 2.
Thankfully, there was another one to fill out.

I was smuggled into the room labeled "single" because we are four poor college students who try to find loop holes.
This worked out to $50 for two nites for me. :)

We walked around the airport hotel and hotel looking for restaurants and food.

Look at these pictures: (i will put in pics later)

I had a salad, or what I thought was a salad.
It had baby sardines in it and no salad dressing. It was only $3.

I took a poop on a Japanese toilet.
I was too scared to press one of the buttons that sprays your bum with water--maybe another time. :p

I took a shower.

I went to check on wifi: $5 per day in the lobby.
I will have to search for free wifi!

I went to bed.
Only to wake up at 3 in the morning fully rested, so here I am typing.

I found wifi at the hotel.
Thank God.

Feelings of Japan today:
I am a minority.
Is this fish food or human food?

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